
Diffrentiating Dependence and Addiction

Physical Dependence
"Drug Seeking"

Physical Dependence
A physiologic state in which abrupt cessation of the opiod, or adminstration of an opiod antagonist, results in a withdrawal syndrome. Physical depenency on opoids is an expected occurence in all individuals in the presence of continuous use of opioids. However, it does not imply addiction

A set of behaviors in which an individual makes a directed and concerted effort to obtain a medication.
Behavior may include "clock watching", frequent requests for early refill, o hoarding opiod analgesics. These behaviors do not, in themselves , constitute addiction. If the behavior are for the purpose of using the drug for non-medical purposes, they are suggestive of additon.

Characterized by behaviors that the patient display due to uncotnrolled pain or fear of unccontrolled pain. Behaviors for the purpose of obtaining adequate pain relief.

Addiction to pain medicine would mean that the pain has gone away but still need to take the medicine regularly when not needed it.

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